In the 1970's, most of us Chinese did not have the opportunity to pursue the tertiary education after Form 5 or Upper 6 due to the quota in the intake of university students under the NEP, financial difficulties to raise monies for further education, unavailability to get scholarship or loans, few universities and colleges, and family commitments with many school going siblings to take of . Most of us would go for any jobs available after Form 5 or Upper 6. Most of them started of in our career at the bottom of the company's hierarchy with minimal monthly income. Most of us contributed a large portion of our merger income towards the family's expenses as most of our parents were relatively poor. Most of us contributed about 30% to 50% of our take home pay towards the monthly expenses of the family. We had no choice then as there were many family members to feed that included our grandparents.
We were mentally prepared and resolved to work hard to earn a decent living and to learn any trade in order to prepare for any future opportunities that might arise one day. Many of us worked 6 days a week with 1 day off day. Some of them even worked 7 days a week in the service, construction and plantation sectors. The working hours were long - from 8.00 a.m. or 8.30 a.m. to late in the evenings at 6.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. We were willing to work for 10 to 12 hours a day with 1 hour lunch break. But it was the most memorable and meaningful experiences as we were learning a trade and at the time, earning our keeps. We were willing to make sacrifices to hope and prepare for a better and bright future.
After many years of hard work, hands-on learning, experience and fugal living, some of them went in search for better earning jobs dued to work experiences and some of them went to set up small & medium enterprises with their hard earned savings. We were a tough and hardy generation then and most of us were street smart and tough mentally to deal with difficult situations then. A few of them became wealthy dued to diligence and political and business connections. Many of them gradually acquired some measure of wealth and most of them moved up from lower income group to middle income group despite all the disadvantages imposed onto us.
In restropect, the NEP, produced a mentally and tough generation of young Chinese who were willing to work hard and to look for opportunities to make good in life despite the handicap imposed onto us. In looking back, the NEP was the blessing in disguise for it toughened a whole generation of chinese to strive even harder in this country of opportunities despite all the difficulties and road blocks in the business and social environment.
The Irony and Parody of Politics
Malaysians by and large loves political gossips, blew scandals out of
proportion and are basically conspiracy theorist.
I can't blame them. Over the yea...
9 years ago