The MCA AGM and Branches Election for 2008 to 2010. The past Office Bearers of every respective MCA Branches will have a new Office Bearers from year 2008 to 2010. Each respective Branch members will nominate and elect the new Office Bearers. The nomination date of the Incoming Branch Committee Members will be on the 10th. June 2008 from 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m at their respective Branches addresses. The Branch Youth Section and the Branch Wanita Section will have their Annual General Meeting And Election on 14th. June 2008 and the Branch Annual General Meeting And Election will be on 15th. June 2008 at the respective addresses. Any potential Office Bearers will be busy for the next 15 days in order to canvass for votes among the Branch party members and to nominate their names to stand for the Branch Election.
Normally, it is a tame affairs for most Branches to elect the new Office Bearers but there will be contenders for a few Branches. Those who have served their respective area well will normally be re-elected for the new term and those who have failed in their duties to serve their respective area will not be re-elected by their Branch members. Every Branch Committee Members have the responsiblities to take care of their respective areas such as clogged drains, road potholes, uncollected rubbish, clogged sewerage, etc. etc. by reporting to the respective authorities in order to solve the areas problems. The local communities will be happier that most of the problems are being tackled by the respective Offfice Bearers as they are the grassroot leaders.
This will win the confidence of the local communities that their welfare are taken of by the Branch leaders. When the communities services are rendered over a sustained period, the local communties will vote for the candidates who have rendered their services.
The Irony and Parody of Politics
Malaysians by and large loves political gossips, blew scandals out of
proportion and are basically conspiracy theorist.
I can't blame them. Over the yea...
9 years ago
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