1. I was taken by surprise early last week that Sdr. Laow Weng Choon , the MCA Deputy Chairman for MCA Ktn. Division , was called for an interview by MCA Disciplinary Board headed by Tan Sri Datuk Sri Chan Kong Choy and several Board members.
2. Sdr. Laow is the current Village Headman (Ketua Kampung) of Kampung Baru, Kuantan and also the Branch Chairman of MCA Kg. Baru, Kuantan. Our friendship had come a long way since our active involvement in grassroots politics for over 28 years. I found in him to be a sincere and trust worthy local grassroots leader and in particular, as Ketua Kampung. When the parents of the primary and secondary school students approached me to sign the neccessary forms to borrow books from the Education Dept. during the commencement of the school term,I will refer the poor parents to him for his signature and endorsement since he is the current Ketua Kampung. He had never failed the parents of the students in discharging his duties as Village Headman . Many a times, he will personally drove to the neighbourhood coffeeshops to meet and assist the poor parents to sign and chop the neccesary application forms. I would say he is an excellent grassroots leader who sacrifice his time and effort in assisting the less privilege local chinese community in Kuantan.
3.I was told by my sources that one local villager approached the candidate for Kuantan Parliamentary Seat, Datuk Foo Ah Kiow, that he was instructed by Sdr. Laow ,not to vote for BN candidate during his election campaign in Kg. Baru during the recent General Election. This local villager, had denied in the local chinese newspapers a few days later that he was instructed by Sdr. Laow not to vote for the BN candidate but was instructed by his employer! This incident was put to rest by the denial of the local villager and the case was closed there and then.
4.This unfortunate incident was formally brought to the attention of the MCA Disciplinary Board by Sdr. Wang Fook San, Sdr. Soh Kang Hai, Sdri. Chan Mon Chi ,Sdri. Khiew Juh Jiuan and Sdri. Khoo Guat Ngoh for further action after the lost of Kuantan Parliamentary seat to PKR. It was reported by the chinese press recently that Sdr. Wang didn't recollect this incident as much waters had flowed under the bridge,Sdr.Soh replied that he had already retired from politics and don't involve him any further, Sdri. Chan retorted that she was not there and Sdri. Khiew replied this matter should be resolved earlier and she was disappointed that investigation was conducted after more than four months.
5.Sdr. Laow was formally called to be interviewed by the The MCA Disciplinary Board early last week at MCA Headquarters from about 11.20 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. He was accompanied by several local grassroots leaders to lend him moral support as he was an innocent party. He was represented by Datuk Ti Lian Ker as his Advocate and Solicitor. I heard from the grapevines that five complainants had earlier met Tan Sri Datuk Sri Chan in one of the rooms. Tan Sri Chan should disqualified himself as Board Chairman as it was brought to the attention to the Board by Sdr. Laow's lawyer that the Board Chairman met the five complainants earlier on. But the interview proceeded without any one of the Board Members disqualifying themselves to the hearing. The proceeding ended half an hour later.
6. The questions I would like to ask are (a) Why was Sdr. Laow Weng Choon summoned for an interview after more than 4 months after the General Election? (b) Was Sdr. Laow being made a fall guy after the lost of the Parliamentary Seat? (c) Why brought out the issue when the local villager denied in the chinese press that Sdr. Laow was involved? (d) Was it the after effect of the recent MCA Kuantan Division Election that this issue was brought out to tarnish the image , standing and dignity of Sdr. Laow as Deputy Chairman of MCA Kuantan Division?
(e) Was it mere revenge after the the Divisional Delegates voted in all the incumbents team for all posts in the recent MCA Kuantan Division Election?
The Irony and Parody of Politics
Malaysians by and large loves political gossips, blew scandals out of
proportion and are basically conspiracy theorist.
I can't blame them. Over the yea...
9 years ago
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